Education for Communities

A Public Health Call to Action

In a call to action to control hypertension from U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, MD, three goals and strategies are provided for physicians, health systems and other organizations to follow as a national priority.

Lifestyle changes that support hypertension control and broader cardiovascular health include increasing physical activity, adopting a healthy diet, not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and consuming alcohol in moderation if at all, says the surgeon general’s report. These actions are more easily implemented when they are part of everyday life.

However, while clinical guidelines for BP management highlight the importance of non pharmacological interventions and lifestyle change to improve cardiovascular health, it can be difficult for patients yo accomplish on their own.

This is where community-level strategies that changes the environment where people live, work, learn and play can impact health outcomes. LMREI has specific strategies to impact our community with these community focuses as well as with individual families with easy evidence-based lifestyle medicine processes, interventions and protocols.

Sharing the responsibility between health systems and community organizations can lead to more effective use of existing resources and better care delivery. Through increased awareness of these community resources, it has been linked with referrals among physicians. It can even promote the use of evidencebasad interventions in local communities.